Journal Prompt for Week 2: “Your Roots: Reconnecting with Your Core”

The theme of the 2nd week and our 2nd Chapter is: “Your Roots: Reconnecting with Your Core.” When we talk about our roots or our core, we actually talk about self-discovery. This is one of my favorite subjects because it’s strongly connected to how we grow and flourish personally and professionally. After all, like Anais Nin […]

metaphysics 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000 infinito bambino hey ur writing me rite off the page! haha!

lesson 1 theme: be one with all good and bad and we become whole and rounded like mother earth! CIAO EVERYONE and welcome to Dr. Lisa luv teaching Metaphysics 1 trillion infinito bambino sul mondo! …where the unknown can become known! where to begin?  Sonia Miller’s generous gift to me:  My 3 month intensive on Metaphysics! […]

we are angels

the wings we carry, the freedom in our bodies, comes from the poised elegance, the fragile and ecstatic powerful instrument called: our IMAGINATION! when we get together, when we give eachother space to breathe, to be, without thoughts, without judgements, but we allow the unknown to become known, we give the most special gift, the […]

crisis is birth

giving birth to our next level of being… we have to be gentle withourselves we have to be LUVING. we cant be critical or harsh. we have to be LUCID. letting go of attack, and embracing LEARNING. learning to be a giver of what is flowing through ur veins. this requires also learning to let […]


il mio fantastico, bellissimo amico Kathleen e io abbiamo fatto amore questo fine settimana! hahah! davvero! era così succulenti e delizioso! more e la parola per blackberries in inglese. ci sono tonnellate crescente selvatici nella campagna intorno a casa sua. lei mi ha insegnato come trasformare questi splendidi piccoli frutti di bosco da più a diventare nostra […]

potrei essere luved?

could u be luved? questa era la mia canzone a tema per tutto il weekend mentre mi rilassavo con la mia amica Kathleen in campagna, nella sua casa a fare la raccolta more marmellata fatta in casa! sì jammin alla musica! la vita è così bella! il mio viaggio in Marocco, ho passato 5 ore in un autobus […]


Thrilling Surprises… Key word: Believe At one point, the most “challenging” child in my class (isnt this great) becomes the superstar.  he guides our year end show. All i had to do was tune into the song he was  singing under his breath. i asked him what he was singing. his  favorite singer:  michael jackson […]